“Strategy” may sound generic, but at least it’s one word.
On Planning, Strategy, Tactics, Implementation (Vol.I)
Components of Strategy
Strategy setting often feels like an act of abstraction conducted in a language that is only hazily understood. Practitioners teeter between two extremes: some err on the side of precision, generating elaborate plans filled with projects, metrics, and numerous subheadings, while others lean into abstraction, cultivating grand visions detached from the details. This oscillation results in incomplete and uninformed ideas, leading to incoherence and a lack of cohesion at the business level. It's no wonder that functional managers, who are at the forefront of strategy implementation, often claim that companies lack a clear strategy.
"Strategy may sound generic, but at least it's one word." This succinct observation encapsulates the essence of strategy: it must be simple and encompassing, guiding the subsequent stages of planning, tactics, and implementation.
Planning, Strategy, Tactics, and Implementation (PSTI) is a reliable and repeatable approach to creating and implementing an informed strategy. PSTI is a framework developed by Influence Ecology. PSTI, as an approach to strategy, provides a common language and framework for the activity of inquiry, a selection of a general course of action, written descriptions of said actions, and finally, the implementation of tactics.
We use PSTI as the foundation for all our work because it is high-level (read: simple) enough to easily capture and organize the various strategic methods our customer partners use. It is detailed enough to shed light on any inquiry, activity, action, and implementation that might be missing from our customer partner’s strategy. The framework practice is that we always ask where we are in the (PSTI) transaction and who is leading. This important distinction enables speed with losing cohesion as we enroll the organization and mobilize our strategy.
Super Simple Strategy Structuring:
Planning, Strategy, Tactics, Implementation
Planning is the activity of inquiry that inventories the resources for a plan.
Strategy is the selection of a general course of action.
Tactics, also known as the forerunner of action, are written descriptions of the actions.
Implementation is just that, an implementation of the tactics.
One key benefit of using strategy frameworks in business design is that they provide a common language and structure for communication. After completing two years and thousands of hours of study and application, I have found that the PSTI framework is one of the most comprehensive yet simple approaches to clarifying, building, and executing on your business strategy in order to meet your business aims.
- Tracey Lande, Partner, Catalyst & Co.
Organizations can use a standardized approach such as PSTI to ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. This helps to align efforts, reduce confusion, and increase the likelihood of success. Moreover, PSTI acts as a roadmap that provides guardrails for any organization's strategic approach. There is a place for everything, making it obvious where a step isn't being taken.
On Planning, Strategy, Tactics, Implementation (PSTI) - Reading List
Strategy as a Series of Beliefs
David Kellogg's insightful exploration into strategy reveals that effective strategy formulation is more about a series of evolving beliefs than rigid plans. By fostering a mindset that embraces adaptability, teams can better navigate the complexities of the business landscape.
Source: Strategy as a Series of Beliefs via David Kellogg #strategyshaping
The Art of Strategy: Combining Porter’s Theories with Contemporary Insights
Divya Madaan skillfully combines Michael Porter's classic theories with modern insights, demonstrating how timeless principles can be adapted to current market realities. This fusion of old and new provides a robust strategic thinking and decision-making foundation.
Source: The Art of Strategy: Combining Porter’s Theories with Contemporary Insights via Divya Madaan #strategyshaping
Making Strategy Work by Lawrence Hrebiniak
Lawrence Hrebiniak's seminal work underscores the importance of moving beyond strategy formulation to execution. His emphasis on the implementation phase ensures that strategic plans are effectively translated into actionable outcomes.
Source: Making Strategy Work by Lawrence Hrebiniak #Implementation
PSTI - A Framework for Planning, Strategy, Tactics, Implementation
Our modified PSTI framework introduces an additional phase: "Strategy Shaping." This critical step involves answering strategic questions to build a robust strategy foundation, bridging the gap between planning and tactical execution. By delineating strategy shaping from strategy, we create a clear pathway from strategy making to defining tactics and executing them through implementation.
Understanding and applying the PSTI framework equips teams to eliminate guesswork and accelerate the launch of projects and initiatives. This structured approach ensures that every phase, from planning to implementation, is meticulously executed, driving organizational success and growth..
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About Catalyst & Co.
Catalyst & Co, a leading strategic enablement consultancy, is dedicated to empowering organizations by aligning resources, processes, and capabilities while unlocking the full potential of their workforce. Offering comprehensive services such as strategic planning facilitation, strategic competence certification training, and strategic initiative consulting, Catalyst & Co. delivers insightful, structured, and supportive engagements tailored to leverage each client’s strengths for effective strategic execution. With a focus on placing teams at the forefront of strategy and operations, Catalyst & Co ensures that every organization it collaborates with is poised to achieve its goals and thrive in today's dynamic business environment.